God’s Revelation: He Wants to Know You (Paperback)

God’s Revelation: He Wants to Know You (Paperback)


 A 180-page in-depth Bible study workbook on the doctrine of revelation. How does revelation set Christianity apart from all other religions? What do all people know about God through general revelation? In what ways did God speak to people in Scripture? What are twelve tests to judge purported, post-Biblical “revelations”? This scholarly workbook includes a chapter on false revelations, with a closer look at astrology, Mormonism, and Islam. Also included in this workbook are quizzes, charts, five appendices, including one about existentialism and neo-orthodoxy, a glossary, a bibliography, subject, person, and Scripture indices, and over 400 endnotes.

Endorsed by: Rev. Derek Prince, Ph.D.; Rev. Elmer Murdoch, M.Div.; Mary Pride; etc.



“I am happy to commend the excellent workbook. God’s Revelation, to you. This comprehensive overview of a most vital theological subject is excellent for use in Bible colleges, seminaries, and other training as well as for individual study. Robert Fugate shows exceptional depth and perception in this masterfully researched workbook. You may find God’s Revelation to be just the tool you’ve been searching for. It is scholarly yet spiritual, thorough yet practical.” —

Dr. David Shibley: founder and executive director of Global Advance; evangelist; author



“I commend Robert Fugate for the extraordinary research and effort that has made God’s Revelation such a helpful book. I highly commend it. The book is deep, yet simple, broad, yet very focused. More importantly, it is truth made real!” —

Rev. Floyd McClung: international executive director of Youth With A Mission; evangelist; author



“Robert Fugate is to be congratulated on a book that is both scholarly and workmanlike. To the serious student, it offers carefully planned direction in exploring a vitally important aspect of the Christian faith, together with a historical overview of sound Christian scholarship.” —

Rev. Derek Prince: teacher and author



“I have found God’s Revelation to be an excellent presentation of essential doctrines of the Christian faith. I see it as an excellent tool for personal study, classroom presentation, and/or apologetic understanding of the Scriptures. Rarely have I seen material as well done and researched and of practical use and application as this study. It is my pleasure and privilege to highly commend it.” —

Rev. Oliver Olson: executive director of Omaha Bible School



“Robert Fugate is a very careful student with sensitive discernment in church history and doctrine. His knowledge of authors and books is very complete. Though Robert has read the heavyweights, his writing is clear and in a good sense simple and can be understood by the average Christian. I can recommend this book for its clarity, balance and research. He writes with a kindly spirit even while dissecting errors and imbalances. I trust it will be widely used by God’s people.” —

Rev. Elmer Murdoch: pastor



“How does revelation set Christianity apart from all other religions? What does God reveal about Himself? What do all people know about God? In what various ways did God speak to people? What does the Bible teach concerning false revelations? What twelve tests can I use to judge purported ‘revelations’? Are special revelations occurring today? These are the crucial and timely questions that this combination text and workbook answers. 

This book is rather unique in that it teaches systematic theology through personal Bible study. The questions, answers and quizzes involve more than simple regurgitation. The author’s purpose is to lead the student in personal discovery through direct interaction with the Scripture.

Also included in this workbook are several appendices, including one about existentialism and neo-orthodoxy, a list of abbreviations, a glossary, a bibliography, subject, person, and Scripture indices, and over 30 pages of endnotes. (I was impressed with the tremendous amount of research that went into the writing of this workbook.) 

I would consider this excellent resource a must for any high school senior headed for college, and I would highly recommend it to all homeschooling parents. This type of teaching and study is sorely needed in our churches today. The author, Robert E. Fugate—a homeschooling father and pastor—is continuing his series of Essential Doctrines of the Christian Faith. The second volume is The Bible: God’s Words To You (covering Biblical Inspiration, Inerrancy, Illumination, Canon, and more), and should be available by the end of the year.” —

Mary Pride: bestseller author

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