This 32-page booklet describes three types of antinomians (i.e., those rejecting God’s moral law). In these groups we see several similarities with contemporary evangelical Christian thought: a strong rejection of the Old Testament, producing a “New Testament only Christianity”; elements of Greek dualism; charismatics who “follow the Spirit” while rejecting the letter of Scripture; contemplative worship that replaces Bible teaching; pitting God’s law against grace (“all things are lawful”); using the doctrine of grace to foster sexual immorality; no law but love; church tradition trumps God’s law; socialistic communities; sinless perfection; and universal salvation. Ideas have consequences. Antinomianism in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries poignantly illustrates the consequences of rejecting God’s moral law. Contains a bibliography.
Antinomianism in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (Booklet)
Categories: All, God’s Law / theonomy
Tag: God's Law / Theonomy
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